Our Group is pleased to announce that Dr. Shen Simon has been appointed as the Director for Overseas Studies of our Group effective from 16 October 2020 and he has resigned on his role of non-executive director so as to devote attention and dedication to this specific engagement.
It has been the strategic direction of our Group to expand our business portfolio to a wider education service spectrum. We see rapid and large potential of growth in our Group’s business segment relating to studies abroad, under which test and examination preparatory education services such as those for IELTS, UKiset, and AEAS, as well as overseas studies consultancy services (including without limitation relevant advisory, application processing and interview preparation services) will be offered.
In order to better capture the business opportunities relating to overseas education and studies, it is our pleasure to have Dr. Shen engaged in this up and rising business segment. Dr. Shen primarily focuses on managing and coordinating the concerted efforts, expertise and resources of the Group in the exploration and development of the business relating to overseas education and studies in various countries, including without limitation the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Australia.
Our warmest welcome is extended to Dr. Shen on this new engagement.